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Psychology Graduate School Search

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Allegheny University of the Health Sciences
Department of Clinical and Health Psychology School of Health Professions Broad and Vine Streets

Philadelphia, PA
(215) 762-7249

Tuition Costs, In State: 12 600 (per year)
Tuition Costs, Out of State: 12 600 (per year)

APA Accreditation: Full: Clinical (PhD)

Financial assistance available:
Teaching Assistantships Research Assistantships Fellowships Scholarships

Application Deadline: Jan. 15 (Fall)

Degrees and Programs Offered:
Clinical (MA (T) MS (T) PhD) Law and psychology (JD/PhD)


Min. Undergraduate GPA (Median): No minimum stated
Min. Undergraduate GPA, Masters (Median): 3/3.46
Min. Undergraduate GPA, PhD (Median): 3.2

Min. GRE, Masters: V+Q+A=1500
Min. GRE, Masters (Median): V+Q+A=1755
Min. GRE, PhD: 550 (V) 550 (Q) V+Q=1100 550 (Subject-Psych)
Min. GRE, PhD (Median): 566 (V) 634 (Q) V+Q=1200 619 (Subject-Psych)
Required GRE V+Q: 1100

Classes Required:
None required