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Psychology Graduate School Search

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Millersville University
College of Graduate & Professional Studies

Millersville, PA
(717) 872-3099

Tuition Costs, In State: $548.00 (per credit)
Tuition Costs, Out of State: $773.00 (per credit)

APA Accreditation: No

Financial assistance available:
Graduate Assistantships (24 credits tuition waiver per academic year, plus stipend)

Application Deadline: January 15 for summer-fall admission
June 1 for fall admission, on a space available basis only
October 1 for winter-spring admission

Degrees and Programs Offered:
Clinical Psychology (M.S.)
School Psychology (M.S.)
School Counseling (M.Ed.)


Min. Undergraduate GPA (Median): N/A
Min. Undergraduate GPA, Masters (Median): 2.75
Min. Undergraduate GPA, PhD (Median): N/A

Min. GRE, Masters: 148 (V), 147 (Q), 3.5 (W)
Min. GRE, Masters (Median): N/A
Min. GRE, PhD: N/A
Min. GRE, PhD (Median): 148 (V), 147 (Q), 3.5 (W)
Required GRE V+Q: N/A

Classes Required:
Minimum 18 credits in undergraduate psychology (M.S.)

Minimum 6 credits in undergraduate psychology (M.Ed.)