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Psychology Graduate School Search

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Our Lady of the Lake University
Psychology School of Education and Clinical Studies, 411 SW 24th Street

San Antonio, TX
(210) 431-3914

Tuition Costs, In State: 470 per credit hour (MS)?534 per credit hour (PsyD)
Tuition Costs, Out of State: Same as in state

APA Accreditation: Yes

Financial assistance available:
Fellowships and Scholarships

Application Deadline: MS Programs Fall (March 1)
PsyD Programs Fall (Feb 1)

Degrees and Programs Offered:
Counseling Psychology (PsyD and MS(CP))
Marriage and Family Therapy (MS(T))
School Psychology (MS(P))


Min. Undergraduate GPA (Median): No minimum stated
Min. Undergraduate GPA, Masters (Median): 2.5
Min. Undergraduate GPA, PhD (Median): No minimum stated

Min. GRE, Masters: No minimum required
Min. GRE, Masters (Median): 523 (V)?521 (Q)
Min. GRE, PhD: No minimum stated
Min. GRE, PhD (Median): 530 (V)?530 (Q)
Required GRE V+Q: No minimum required

Classes Required:
12 undergraduate semester hours in psychology, including one course in statistics with a minimum GPA of 3.0