The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
1447 I Street, NW
Washington, DC
(202) 706-5052
1447 I Street, NW
Washington, DC
(202) 706-5052
Tuition Costs, In State: Tuition Costs, Out of State: APA Accreditation: Yes Financial assistance available: Application Deadline: Degrees and Programs Offered: M.A. in Counseling Psychology M.A. in Forensic Psychology Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology (Concentrations include: Child and Adolescent Psychology, Forensic Psychology, International/Multicultural Psychology, and Generalist) |
Min. Undergraduate GPA (Median):
Min. Undergraduate GPA, Masters (Median):
Min. Undergraduate GPA, PhD (Median):
Min. GRE, Masters:
Min. GRE, Masters (Median):
Min. GRE, PhD:
Min. GRE, PhD (Median):
Required GRE V+Q:
Classes Required:
Min. Undergraduate GPA (Median):
Min. Undergraduate GPA, Masters (Median):
Min. Undergraduate GPA, PhD (Median):
Min. GRE, Masters:
Min. GRE, Masters (Median):
Min. GRE, PhD:
Min. GRE, PhD (Median):
Required GRE V+Q:
Classes Required: